by Mr. Metaphor
Paul Simon once wrote in a song called "The Boxer" that "a man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest. Back then it didn't mean too much to me .But now I think of those lyrics almost every morning as I'm watching C-Span. I'm always amazed,but mostly amused,at the wacky people who call in to Washington Journal. The way they twist and warp news that has found it's way to their ears is sometimes better than a SNL skit,but of course, that's not saying much these days. Remember when Sarah Palin said she could see Russia from her house? Well, she never said that. Tina Fey said that! It's the new wave fish story that's sweeping the nation .Hear what you want to hear and screw everything else. To hell with the truth,facts,history and all that shit. We don't want to hear it!
In today's world, information is everywhere. Sorta,kinda. The one nut that information can't seem to crack is the human skull. Why can't we absorb truths and facts when we know them to be absolute? We all know about the Gulf of Tonkin thing that never happened. WMD's? Not! O'Reilly is gay. I'm Jesus come to save us all. And so on. The old saying "ignorance is bliss" is one of my favorites. There are things we don't want to know. We're better off. Why shouldn't we want to live in bliss? Nirvana. Who wouldn't want to live in Stepford? Okay,maybe not you women out there. But us guys,hell yeah! I sometimes wish I could turn off this sponge I have for a brain. Eliminate the need for all the alcohol and pharmaceuticals. Not to mention all the money I spend on pot. Wouldn't it be nice?
I guess we really can't handle the truth. That has to be the answer. We have a built in defense mechanism we're all born with, that filters what we want to know, and what we disregard,so we can be happy and righteous. You want to be happy,don't you? You certainly want to be right. I hate to be wrong. It pisses me off. And if all this is true, I think my filter is dirty or needs to be replaced. I know this because I seem to be right "most"of the time. And that has to be wrong. And why would I even need the aboved mentioned substances to be happy? Maybe I should quit watching C-Span in the morning. Or maybe I should start my substance abuse when I roll out of bed. Either way,I need some freakin' bliss!
Now that I have your attention, I'd like to ask you all to play a game with me. Send this article to some of your friends and ask them what it's about. I bet you'll hear all sorts of wacky stuff. They'll even spout things that have nothing to do with this subject. Why? Because they hear what they want to hear and disregard the rest. And if you take nothing else from this piece,there's one thing you're sure to remember. Trust me. He's gay!
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